Event Objectives
Event Objectives
- To provide a platform that promotes open access to and exchange of research and knowledge work, products, inventions and innovations across multiple areas of human activity while also promoting the recognition of outstanding research work, critical real-time peer-reviews, feedback and recognition for quality work.
- To create a linkage between the academia, authors, individual researchers from diverse professions and the policy makers, the private sector, industry professionals, investors and consumers/users of inventions, innovations, products and services that would lead to vital and mutual exchange and relationships and the promotion of research and technology transfer.
- To provide a linkage between individual researchers, MSMEs and large industrial players and businesses to bring about strengthening raw material localization in line with government’s backward integration programme (BIP), to facilitate economic diversification, local substitution, Nigerian content development, process efficiency & mutual economic benefits in line with the Economic Recovery & Growth Plan (ERGP) and also help reduce the cost of direct engagement.
- To showcase the research and knowledge work of universities and other professionals as active contributors to the wider economic, social and commercial life of Nigeria and Africa while also offering them maximum research impact.
- To help fast-track collaboration, funding and commercialization of critical research work.
- To promote local and continental content and transform Nigeria and Africa into an ecosystem of key knowledge that’s globally acclaimed and relevant.
- To give S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) a solid foothold in Nigeria and Africa.
- To elicit imagination, innovation and critical thinking and thus lead to the creation of high value solutions, goods and services.
- To enhance job creation, entrepreneurship & innovation, build human capacity in Nigeria’s huge youthful population and also unlock their potential.